Interesting workout Thursday.  My shoulders felt pretty good - little soreness from Push-ups and Benching almost everyday, but no pain.  Felt frisky so I decided I would try Pressing just to see if I'm ready to possibly add them back in.  Benching twice a week sucks.

Thursday: Bench

  • FBB Bench: 95x5/95x5/115x5/125x5/135x5
  • KB Squat: 5x10
  • FSL (Press): 55x10/55x10/65x10/65x10/75x10
  • KB Row: 5x10

Really solid workout.

On the heels of Pressing I had the brilliant idea to do my FSL Squat work with the Squat Bar.  Felt awful, but no lingering effects.  Crisis averted.

Saturday: Squat

  • SSB Box Squat: 265x5
  • Push-ups: 5x10
  • FSL (Squat Bar): 5x10@195
  • Pull-ups: 15 reps

Pretty solid week of training.  I'm planning on getting in a lift today.  If I don't, no big deal.  Tomorrow is my scheduled day, anyway.