- Hurdle-unders: 10 reps
- Pull-aparts: 50 reps
- Stretching
- Trap Bar: 10x5@95lbs
- DB Row/Trap Bar Shrugs: 5x10 each
- Push-ups/3-way Shoulder Raises: 5x10 each
Great session. I did it all with the weighted vest on. Felt really good afterwards.
Went up to Wendler's for the weekend. It was a beautiful day in Ohio and training went as well.
- Hurdle-unders: 10 reps
- Pull-aparts: 50 reps
- Stretching
- Trap Bar: 10x5@115lbs
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Prowler: 6 trips with 2 25's on it
I tried Pull-ups. I hung from the bar for a few seconds. Felt good. I did 2 reps and it felt weird at the top. There was some weird pulling in the bottom part of my sternum. No pain, just weird. I opted out. I'll revisit in a few weeks.
The Prowler felt good. Obviously, it was light, but it was just different enough to kick my butt. Good news: it felt really good. Bad news: it felt really good and I need to do it after my lifting sessions.