Today our lifters hit some deficit deads. Aaron hit 615x3. Kristin got around 300lbs. Waiting to hear from our evening crew in their weights. The morning crew headed out to California for one of our 220lb lifter who is competing sat. Wish I was there love cali. We hit some heavy upper Tomorow then start on mon getting even more after it. The Arnold is slowly approaching. Our fundraiser is feb 4th. Can't wait to get everyone together for a fun night.
I hit some quick curls and abs. And called it a day. Had a lot of errands and stuff to do to catch up with life a short we call it. Had a big group in at my 415-515, had (5) wrestlers in who are banned from mat time as they have impentigo.
Looking forward to wrapping up the day Tomorow. I plan on hitting some shoulder and back work. Taking my wife to a great restaurant for her bday. The chef is supposed to be bad ass. A lot going on his weekend as well. I am off I lay off as well the whole day Sunday which hasn't happened in a long time.