I did some serious program writing this morning. Six weeks of my summer football program, my freshmen summer program, extensive notes for women's soccer, volleyball and women's basketball. Very productive morning.
- Deadlift Warm-ups 3x5@135
- GHR Sit-ups 3x10
- Deadlift 235x5, 275x5, 315x5, 5x5@235
- Pull-ups 4x8
- Push-ups 4x20
- Shoulder Death (Front Plate Raise/Side Raise/Shrugs/DB Cleans) 25 reps each
- DB Curls 50 reps
I finally did the right thing today. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and oatmeal about an hour before training. I had great energy the whole workout. Didn't even need a Monster