Instead of toiling through 2 more training days on the old program I enacted the needed adjustments and got rolling. You'll notice nothing but the reps have changed.
- Deadlift Warm-ups 3x5
- Ab Rollouts 3x10
- Deadlift 235x5/275x5/315x5/5x10@225
- Pull-ups 4x5
- Push-ups 4x10
- Total elapsed time: 29.55
The 5x10 sets will be done at 225 for the entire cycle. My goal is to get more efficient and move the bar faster.
Push-ups and Pull-ups were done with a pause at the bottom and top.
I'm fried. I put the clock on my fat ass today and that's what I need to do every time. Knowing it's running at it'll tell me how hard I worked is what I need to train with purpose.
After I walked over to the training room, loudly proclaimed my greatness and walked back to the weight room.