15 mins stepmill continuous up hill climb with 4 minutes of slow down
Activations with planks and curl ups and bird dogs
Double KBs hikes for 10 and swings for 20x 4 rounds. Harder then I thought on the hikes.
15 mins stepmill continuous climb
Half get ups 3x5 per side
Full getup 3x2 perside
Bench 3x3-225,2x2-235
Lots of pulldowns. 3 rounds per weight x 6 increases. Had not done much back in awhile so tried to make up for
Reverse hypers 3x12
Static KB hold overhead while walking 28kg then 32kg around the gym
45 mins sled
Activations. Worked on some different release techniques basically so I can do some myself. Wedged Indian club on treatment table at house and worked on tricep and tie in with lat along with bicep,labrum and pec area. Pretty good release. Still does not beat someone working on it but helpful.
15 min stepmill
Reverse hypers before 3x12, 1x50 after
Hack squat 1x50 really close stance
Bell front squats 5x10
Straight bar GM medium set of 3s at 275lb
72lb swings 5x10
15 mins stepmill
Activations with planks and bird dogs
Bench 225x3x3, 240x3x2
One arm snatch kb to gauge shoulder capacity . Got the 106lb ugly on left and 88lb decent on left. Dropped down to 53lbx5 x3, then 62x3x3,