This is last week's array of training fun.
Conditioning: Walk around campus with weighted vest
- SSB Box Squat: 185x5/210x5/235x5
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FSL: 10x5@185
- Dips: 5x10
- Curls: 5x10
- Neck: 50
Conditioning: bike 30 minutes
- FBB Press: 105x5/115x5/125x5
- KB Swing: 5x10
- FSL: 5x5@105
- Side Raises: 5x10
- KB Row: 5x10
I dropped my 10x5 FSL and did Raises because I have a massive knot in my upper back/trap that is causing numbness and pain in my shoulder and arm (like 2 years ago). Too much overhead work between 15 sets of Pressing and 5-10 sets of Pull-ups is the culprit, I believe. i'll modify this until it gets better and then move forward.
Conditioning: walk around campus with weighted vest
- Trap Bar: 225x5/255x5/285x5
- KB Row: 5x10
- FSL: 10x5@225
- Dips: 5x10
- Curls: 5x10
- Neck: 50
I did nothing but lay on the couch most of Sunday. Football had practice at 9am so I went in and warmed them up. After that I made a nest on the couch and settled in to enjoy one of my last days where I have very little too do. Unfortunately, I accomplished next to nothing in my house. This could lead to a mess accumulating once the regular season routine begins.
Despite the pinched nerve issue in my back, training is going well. I'm taking more advil and Aleve than I like, but it's temporary. I'm getting all kinds of fancy treatment on my back in the training room. Ice, heat, stim... I'm sure it's working.