-15mins stepmill
-Activations, curl ups, Standing ab pulldowns 4 each
-Reverse Hypers 3x10 prior, 1x30 post
-Kb two hand 10 reps, 20 reps, 40 reps, 80reps, break 4x40 reps
-15 Mins stepmill
- Activations , planks, bird dogs
-Reverse Hypers 4x12 prior, 1x50 post
-Trap bar pulls Worked up to 5platesx1,2,3, 4 plates x10
-Took the super band normally for hangin upside down and did some squats standing it. I was not ready for it and had to adjust several times to figure out the best stance. Managed 4x6, maybe 8 on the last one but the lights were dimming alittle.
Late next week we are heading back up to Chicago for a repeat of last October's Level 1 and 2. I did not understand why people repeated the course, at least Level 1, till we did a session with Eric, who is a doctor and also a practitioner of Be Activated in his practice. I think I had mentioned it in a previous log but , just in case, he is theone who had done level 1 and 2 several times. With each time, he gained a better perspective and a deeper understanding, like anything you work hard at. So that is where the wife and I are with it currently. I do my activations daily hitting the majority of them with each session. What this means is physically I feel great, my recovery is much better but the only things is the mental side. Normally, after a session , I feel great most of the day, but the creepers come calling during self imposed stresses or trying to get too much done. Currently have alot on the plate with the new building , supplement line and managing some people issue personally. NOrmal life I guess. Now, it is not the work mind you, just the anxiety of it. Just don't handle it well once it is turned on and dialed in. So my goal is a better understanding of the mental side and exploring emotions and issues stored in tissues as wacky as that sounds. Obviously there are most activation points to find and we would also like to get into that as well. Added to that, I am listening to "The Art of Happiness" by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler. It is a short book, but has alot of helpful insights and ways to change your perspective and think alittle more. I have listened to it probably four or five times so far. Each time , I get it alittle more and begin to work on the meditations and apply these to my life. It is not a easy to work on. You do have to look at yourself since it is yourself you are trying to help.