Wednesday: Conditioning
Bike: 20 minutes
Thursday: Deadlift/Bench
- Deadlift: 255x5/285x5/315x5/405x5
- Weighted Dips (45lbs): 5x5
- Weighted Pull-ups (45lbs): 5x5
- FBB Bench: 205x5/225x5/245x5/205x10
- RDL: 5x10
- Ab Rollouts: 5x10
Friday: Bodyweight Circuit
- With 30lb weighted vest
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- RFESS: 5x5 each
Sunday: Conditioning
Bike: 30 minutes (10 miles)
Monday: Squat/Press
- SSB Box Squat: 265x5/295x5/325x5/265x10
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
- Weighted Dips (45lbs): 5x5
- FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5/105x10
- RDL: 5x5@265
- Ab Rollouts: 5x10
Tuesday: Bodyweight Circuit
- With 30lb weighted vest
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- DB Clean: 5x10 each
The DB Clean is simply picking a DB up of the floor and shouldering it. Awful. Kin of like shouldering a sandbag.