I've talked before about training my kids HERE. Specifically my daughter. She trained for a couple months, then like with any kid, we got busy. And let's face it, she lost interest. Not completely, but she wasn't begging to go like she was before.
Gymnastics once a week, church youth group once a week, her dad's once a week and she always had massive amounts of homework. I hate the days she's still doing homework at 7:30 at night, but I think it's just something I'm going to have to get used to... and let her take the responsibility of getting it done. Mama can't help you forever!
So I told her and my son (who is just turning 11 this month), that come 2020, they were both going to workout. My daughter twice a week, and my son once. We even invited the neighbor kid to train with my son because I know he'd enjoy it more and try a little harder with someone there. Let's face it, kids love a little friendly competition.
My daughter's program is pre-written. She has a sheet to write her weights on and at the end of the session she fills out a journal log with her goals, her accomplishments and what she can improve on.
Her program consists of:
MB throws, pushups and pullups for warm up
A deadlift and squat variation, 2 push exercises, 3 pull exercises, a single leg exercise, sled pushes, carries, and core... all split up between 2 training days.
My son's is kinda fly by the seat of my pants. Little less structured but with these main points:
Skip, shuffle, hop
Throw med balls
Single leg exercise
Upper back/shoulders (his upper body is very weak and this is the one of the biggest things I want to work on with him for baseball)
With my son and his friend, it's less structured based on what I am seeing from them that day... their mood and energy levels. I also want each week to be a little different to keep it interesting and fun. Boys and their attention spans.... 🙂
I've also made it a point to actually train my kids. In the past, I would bring my daughter to the gym when I had clients and make her do it herself. She did a decent job but would skip things she didn't feel like doing that day. I want to directly coach her, help her and make her feel like she's a client and a priority.