Sticking to the 15 mins of stepmill on training days and sled pulling on Sundays. Last Sunday was 45mins and this past Sunday was 5 laps upper body. We are heading up to Niagara Falls this weekend for the wife's birthday so gonna gonna cram alot of work a few days here
Stamina is about 90%. Still super weak as piss but adding more volume weekly and inching up on the weights. I don't want to get in a hurry anyhow as the weight loss and chemo I am sure weakened the tendons and ligaments. No need to rip shit off again. I am good at that without any help whatsoever. I finally just manned up on my goatee and cut it loose Sunday. The hair had fallen out to the point that you could see the chin anyhow. So finished it off with a extended flavor savor/soul patch. Wife is not a fan but whatever. Just gonna carry the douche look for awhile. Taste is alitle better but only about 70%.
We had a chance to llsten to Boris Sheiko this weekend at the Compound about his programming in the am and critique of your lifting in the afternoon. I throughly enjoyed listening to him and how he organizes training and intensity levels and voume. Somethings I knew and some I did not which is why I wanted to go. The wife got her lifts looked at and even though he is not a fan of the woman lifter(yet)he did look at the wife after her set and say-"Strong woman". I smiled and thought yep. He had a couple of minor suggestions which I think will help. If you ever get a chance to see him and listen, do not hesitate. It is worth it.
Gonna work bakards on the training as much as I can remember.
heavy seated row 6x8
standing abs 5x8
squat med stance 10x2
gm wide 5x6
bench 8x3
leg ext 8x10
leg curl 6x8
close stance leg press 10x10
rear delt pec deck 8x10
pulldowns close grip 8x8
ab 5x8
bench press 6x8
camber bar close grip 5x6
Ys off incline pad 5 sets
rope tricpes 8x8
cable flyes 6x8
one arm curls -alot of sets
belt squat close stance 8x5 working up each sets
med stance leg press 10x10
one leg curl 6x10 per leg
reverse hypers 4x12
abs 6x8
2 exercises for pull downs 6x10 per
chest supported row 5x8
cable sides 4x8 per arm
tsunami bar press 6x10
hammer press 5x8
Best I can do