I have been away from the site for a while. I got a new computer and forgot how to get on here and update my log. I had to email Sheena and get instructions because after 11 years on EFS, I still can't remember how to do things.
Here's the much anticipated training update:
Wednesday: Press (last week)
- FBB Press: 65/85/95/105x5/115x3
- DB Squat: 5x10 w/70
- FBB Bench: 5x10@95
- Pull-ups: 5x5
Friday: Squat (post-CSCS Exam workout)
- SSB Box Squat: 265x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FBB Incline: 5x10@75
- KB Row: 5x10 w/70
Monday: Press (no idea why I Pressed again)
- Hang Clean: 95/115/135x5
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FBB Press: 65/85/95/105/115x5
- KB Row: 5x10 w/70
Wednesday: Festivus Games (Feats of Strength for the Rest of Us)
The annual staff lifting competition, of sorts.
- SSB Box Squat: 385x1 - Post-surgical PR
- Trap Bar: 405x5 - Post-surgical PR
- Mile Run: 12m 11s - 5 minute PR (last year I was 4 months post-op - it had to be better)
Friday: Incline
- Hang Clean: 95/115/3x3@135
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FBB Incline: 65/85/95/3x5@105
- Hammer Row: 5x10
- FBB Incline FSL: 5x5@85
- Neck: 5x10
- Curls/Pushdowns: didn't count
I'm in a good routine and with school ending this week I'll have more time.
Because all of my pressing is SOOOOOOOOO light I feel like I'm wasting a day having it as a main lift. I think I'm going to start this and see how I like it.
- Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
- Bench
- Hang Clean
- Incline
It suits me needs/goals as far as getting in lower body work every workout. It addresses my upper body weakness and size issues. It keeps it very simple (3 workout in a "week" as opposed to the 4 workouts in my current set-up). Plus, it gives me a day to work the Incline. I don't love this lift, but it's something I haven't been able to do and it is still the pressing movement that hurts the least. So, why not focus on it?
We had an awesome day training. I was very happy with my SSB 385x1, Trap Bar 405x5 and Mile Run. I'm debating on whether I'll use actual percentages on Squat and Deadlift or just stick with my generic progression. I know it's working, but it's getting boring doing the same numbers over and over. I struggle in my mind because 1. I'm not supposed to lift, according to my doctors. 2. I know the biggest issue is not straining/holding my breath to keep pressure off the aorta. I'm really leaning towards maybe 2-3 cycles of using actual percentages. These will be ridiculously low.
I figured out (with the use of a calculator and trial and error) that 300 is 78% of 385, so that will be my training max for Squat. Deadlift is going to be 335, which is 70% of an estimated 480 max.
Total side note: just found out our Trap Bars are 50lbs, so add 5lbs to all my numbers. Good stuff.
Back on track: Still up in the air about assigning numbers to my pressing. I probably should. It'll keep me focused and create a logical progression. The numbers will be LOW. But, it's going to be a long process rebuilding the shoulder/biceps tendon. By the way, it will randomly pop and click when I do things. Can't be good. I get the cray "pop" followed by a split second of discomfort and then absolutely no residual issue. Makes no sense to me, but I'm rolling with it.
I also think I'm going to drop my FSL pressing work to 5x5. I did the math (more calculator stuff) and figured that I was doing about 175-200 reps a week of pressing in my current set-up. By dropping to 5x5 FSL and focusing on 3 main pressing movements I'll get in 150 reps per week. My back work needs to meet or exceed this number of reps per week. If you count Pull-aparts it certainly has, but I'd rather err on the side of caution.
Clearly, there's too much thinking going on in my training world. I need to stop that and just train. Fortunately/unfortunately it may have to wait another week. I've been invited to travel to our conference tournament with our softball team. If they seal the deal this weekend I'll be leaving Tuesday for Alabama. It could be a 2 day trip. It could be a 5 day trip. Who knows?