Wednesday - Squat
- SSB Box Squat: 255x5/285x3/315x2
- FBB Incline (1): 95/105/115/125/135x10
- Chest-supported DB Row: 5x10
- SSB GM: 3x10/SSB March: 2x20
I really sucked Squatting. I hadn't slept well the two nights prior. On top of that, we cleaned and I inhaled far too many chemicals, I forgot to eat my breakfast so I only had lunch in me. I sucked and it was all my fault. I wasted my opportunity to Squat "heavy" this training cycle.
Friday - Bench
- FBB Bench: 135x5/155x3/175x6 PR!
- FBB Bench FSL: 5x5@135
- DB Row: 5x5 w/100
- BWT Squat (mobility): 2x20/KB Swing: 3x20
Overall, Friday wasn't a great day, but I was happy with the PR.
Saturday - Extra work because I had the time
- KB Squat: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Push-ups: 5x10
This took about 20 minutes. Then I went for a 45 minute walk.
Sunday I took a 60 minute walk.
Just staying active and enjoying the beautiful weather.