I typically post my coaching logs on Fridays or at least at the end of the week but with having clients in town lat month and being in New York for a show this last weekend, I am late to get my logs posted. I should be back on track after this week again, though.
I was in upstate New York last week staying with some friends and she was one of the clients I had in a show over the weekend. Had some good workouts fueled by some ridiculous New York calories from cannoli (because the plural form of cannoli is ... cannoli), cronuts (freaking awesome if you haven't had one ... or two), cheesecake and my client's pumpkin cheesecake pancakes which are to die for. My face (and gut) was screaming for a reprieve of which I didn't get until I arrived back in Colorado. I hope to have cleaned up this mess by the weekend. Boy was it fun while it lasted, though.
Clients did quite well and even my BBer was one of - if not THE - best conditioned in the show though he placed 4th in a very deep class. Very proud of both clients as they brought excellent packages and both have incredible work ethics.
Training while on the road causes me a bit of anxiety. I am a control freak and I like familiarity and while on the road I have little control over how good the equipment is that I will have access to and how much of it there will be. I kind of have to get there, see what they have and then put a plan together on the fly. I was fortunate this weekend to train at a relatively nice club that was equipped well but ... I was still not familiar with the place and equipment.
It is even worse when I train legs because of my chronic back issues. I haven't had a problem in a very long time but when you are dealing with equipment that you are unfamiliar with, you don't know how sometimes an angle is different even if you think you have used the machine before. The last thing I need is another back injury but even more so the last thing I need is a back injury while traveling. I can't even imagine how that would work but I digress ...
I always play it safe, though. I train hard and get really good workouts in but I never train 100% while on the road. I don't go as heavy as I can and I don't use machines with heavy weights that I am not familiar with. I just cannot and won't risk that.
Eating clean is not terribly difficult to do. I typically hit up a local supermarket and just stock up on already cooked, frozen chicken breast, nuts, sometimes greek yogurt and berries, oatmeal and some postworkout carbs like poptarts. I typically bring ziploc bags of protein powder from home already premeasured in each bag. That pretty much covers me for my clean food. If I get stuck I will grab a double chicken breast, quinoa and greek salad at Panera as there is a Panera in almost every city I visit.
My Skiploads are usually on Sundays and that is usually the day I travel back home so that can be a challenge. Most times I am able to get at least a breakfast of pancakes or french toast before I have to get to the airport so I usually double the order and then take the other half with me to the airport either to eat while waiting to board or during a layover if I have one. Eating at airports can be a challenge if you don't have food though I admit it is much easier these days to find a clean meal than it was only 10 or so years ago. You used to be stuck with pizza, sandwiches or McDonalds so at least these days most airports have many more options. I was able to get a large salad with salmon on it at a restaurant at O Hare and took another one to go for the plane ride and it was very clean and tasted great. I have seen sushi restaurants in airports, as well.
As much as I love traveling and hanging out with great friends, I always enjoy coming home, too. I slept like a rock last night because as I get older, the time zones mess me up so much more. lol
Back to the grind today ......