Today our lifters hit some upper body work. They hit BB INCLINE, mil presses, shrugs, dips and a ab movement in the straps. Very tough workout today. Everyone should be getting some growth and getting better by improving some weaknesses.
We have since switched federations from SPF to the IPA for some pretty crappy reasons. Can't really fill in too many people as it would tarnish certain peoples reputations even more.
Bobby Betts (Vice President IPA) is coming up this weekend to meet with us and check out my facility. It is a great weekend to do so as we are hosting a TTF Powerlifitng Squad Party at Ballpark village and other STL locations for the night.
As far as for my meeting we didn't get much info other than "just hang in there". Such bullshit just want to feel better. Did some light upper body movements also before classes.