Today our lifters hit some upper body movements for reps. We balance presses to pulls. Everyone who hit it really liked the pump and feel. Taking a week off after the meet is hard and everyone said it felt good to be back. I had to make a point to my group. We have some lifters always going back to the same movments they are good at or are ones they have done for years. They simply skip some new ones we prescribe. I see them to stick with the plan and just scale back some of need be. We cover everything to get everyone better and peak at the right time. The times this hasn't happened is when someone adds or subtracts a shitton and they wonder why it didn't go accordingly.
I don't have the energy or time to lift today. Was training people till 930pm. Busy is good as is money but super tired today. Plan on exercising some as next few days I will prob be laid up.