Monday wasn't happening acroos the board.  My groin was bothering me so after 2 sets of warm-up squats I decided not to hurt myself.  On to Bench.  No go - shoulder.  It happened on Tuesday.


  • SSB Box Squat: 220/240/260/280x3
  • Pull-ups: 5x5
  • Weighted Pull-ups (25lbs): 34 in 10 minutes


  • Bench: 75/95/105/125x5/135x3/145x3
  • Band Row: 100 reps
  • BBB: 5x10@105
  • Low Band Face Pulls: 50

I did some neck and curls at the end of each workout.

Tomorrow I have Football lift at 9 and 10am and practice at 1:30.  I'll take a nice, long walk tomorrow.  Once I warm them up for practice I'll decide if I'm going to get a Deadlift workout in.

Somehow (I'm not surprised), I got my cycle screwed up.  For the last 4-5 weeks my new week has been starting on Wednesday instead of Monday.  Sounds dumb, but it screws me up.

I didn't follow a plan for Bench today.  I just put some weight on and if it felt good I went up.  Stopped at 145 because it felt great.  If I Deadlift tomorrow I'll do something similar.  Just work up to something that feels good.  Next week I'll start my 3rd cycle and keep rolling.