Tuesday and THursday 30 mins stepmill each day

Wed Lower 1/20

Reverse Hypers 3x12

Machine squats , worked up to 5x5 at 85% and 3 drop setx 10, 15,20

Rigged up the two 154lb stubby farmers with a gripless strap and did medium stance off low box with them 5x5

Dumbell stepups 5x5

Reverse Hypers 2x12


Super excited to try out a new wrap/strap product we are working on with DT.  Did some benching with it and a couple of other things-gonna be able to work on alot of things with this one. Look for it in the next couple of months after more testing.

Bench with buffalo bar worked up to 325x5x3 sets

Few down sets with it as well

Suspension strap pushups 3xfailure

MAG Close grip pulldowns 8x8

Curls with x wife 3x12

Dips 2x10