Late night watching TV for no good reason followed by an early wake up because some football players are too stupid/lazy to show up to study hall on time.

Side note for any college or high school athletes that read my crap.  College is SO EASY!

  1. Show up on time (shows you care)
  2. Hand something in (shows you're trying)
  3. Go to practice (you play your sport because it's fun)

That's it!  That's college athletics.  It's not more complicated than that unless you suck at life/being an adult.  If this is tough for you, life is going to sucker punch you in the balls multiple times a day.  Wish I could be there to witness it.

So because these guys suck at life I was up at 4:45am when I don't have a group until 2:30pm (this is a nice time of year for me).  I hemmed and hawed about training.  I prepared breakfast so I could eat, lift and get some work done before I take an hour break midday.

Well, I somehow forgot that I packed a sandwich in my bag for breakfast.  I made those guys suffer.  Solid morning.

  1. Stadium push-ups (do a push-up and plank walk to the next step and repeat - 2x up AND down
  2. Egg Roll 100 yards (pull knees to chest and roll)
  3. Up down every 5 yards for 100 yards
  4. Wheel barrow 100 yards (we had 4 victims)
  5. Roll 100 yards

The best part was that is was 32 degrees this morning.  The field had a nice layer of frost on it.  This worked 2 fold for me.  Their hands froze on the stadium stairs and the turf and they got soaking wet rolling.  Add in that it was 6am and that's fairly miserable.  I actually had a tinge of sorrow for these guys, but then I remembered I wasn't supposed to be awake yet, so that feeling quickly disappeared.

Anyway, back to my procrastination techniques.  I did everything in my power, including forgetting that I packed breakfast, to not train at 6:30.  One of the football coaches came in around 6:45 and 2 football players with class conflicts came in at 7.  Then the track team started making their way in, so I was obliged to train.

  • Deadlift Warm-up 135x5, 225x5
  • Ab Rollouts 3x10
  • Deadlift Work 255x5, 290x5, 325x5, 5x5@255
  • Pull-ups 4x5
  • Push-ups 4x20

This took about 40 minutes.  I stretched with Track and walked over to the training room and considered getting treatment on something.  Nothing hurts so I just met with the head trainer, talked injuries, talked a new ACL prevention/rehab protocol, came back to the weight room, found my sandwich, stuffed it in my face and got to writing this.  There were a few day dreams and deep thoughts in there, as well.

I feel great!  I know I always feel good after training first thing in the morning.  It's done for the day and my brain is wide awake.  I really should do this any time I'm in early.

I'm off to be a coach.