- Trap Bar: 200x5/230x5/250x3/270x3/290x12
- Fat Mans: 70 reps
- Push-ups: 50 reps
- Pull-ups: 25 reps
Not a bad day. Half way through I remembered I had to train the next day and wished I hadn't done so many Push-ups. I was worried about how my shoulder would feel Benching. Fasy forward a day:
- Bench: 70/80/90/100/110/120x5
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
- BBB: 5x10@100
- T-Bar Shrugs: 5x20
- DB Curls: 3x10
- 1 mile vest walk in the rain (It was awesome! The rain felt really good.)
- 18 minutes of stretching (yeah, I timed it)
We'll get on the bus tomorrow morning. It's only a 3 hour drive, so it won't destroy me. I plan on taking a nice, long walk when we get in. We'll have about 3 hours between arrival and dinner/meetings, so I'll get in at least an hour of walking.