For whatever reason, I really felt like training on Wednesday instead of Thursday. I'm glad I took advantage because I have no desire to train today.
- Deadlift: 285x5/325x5/365x5/285x10
- Dips: BWT x10/25lbs x8/45lbs x6/55lbs x 4/70lbs x2
- Pull-ups: BWT x10/25lbs x8/45lbs x6/55lbs x 4/70lbs x2
- FBB Bench: 215x5/235x5/255x5/215x10
- RFESS: 5x5 each
- GHR Sit-ups: 5x10
I'm leaning towards a bike workout today and a bodyweight circuit at the hotel tomorrow. We'll see how that plays out the rest of the day.