- Hang Clean: 5x3@135 (this was too light)
- Bench (Squat Bar): 105x5/120x5/135x7
- KB Row: 10x10
- FBB FSL: 5x10@105
- DB Curls: 5x10
- Neck: 50
- Prowler: 1/4 mile
Prowler: Day 2
I did a few things differently today trying to figure out a weight to use and if I need to extend it to 1/2 mile in training.
We had a massive thunder storm while I was training. Wet turf is a joke when pushing the sled. Humidity makes it stick. Water makes it glide. My gliding sled push time was 9 minutes for one lap. The only reason I didn't do 2 laps was there's another thunder storm moving in. I was 1/2 way through lap 1 and a thunder clap scared the hell out of me. Using some basic common sense I figured it wasn't great for my life cycle to be out on an open field pushing a metal sled.
I want to complete 2 laps in my unconditioned state in about 30 minutes. So, by simply doubling my time to 18 (as if I did 2 laps) I'm still falling short. This is where adding weight comes in. Friday I'll add 20lbs. Hopefully the field is just wet from humidity, not water and I can get a better idea if 20 extra lbs is enough. It probably isn't, but I'd rather err on the side of too easy than too hard. In my younger, more virile days I'd throw caution to the breeze (regarding the weight and the impending thunder storm).
More rambling... I know 135x7 isn't anything to brag about, but it felt good. Even lockout with a little pop off the chest. This tells me the shoulder is healing up and the nerve issue is resolving itself.
Good day in the weight room.