- SSB Box Squat: 260x10
- Bent Rows: 5x10
- Push-ups; 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Neck: 40
- Biceps: 40
Pausing on the box really sucks.
I took my time with Squatting and Rowing. I didn't time my Push-ups/Pull-ups, but I kept up a good pace and got myself breathing pretty hard. Obviously, for 5 sets of each it didn't take that long. Maybe 10 minutes?
I keep thinking I need to be doing some Boring But Big with my Squat and Deadlift, but I'm on a pretty good stadium stair kick right now. Until I either lose that urge or the weather gets too cold and my lack of toughness sets in I'll hold off on the BBB. In theory, it sounds awesome to do BBB when it's cold and get outside and run/walk when it's nice out.
I'll mount the stairs later today. For Friday I'm strongly considering bringing my cleats to work and walking the hill I have the football team run.