Outside of the gym, this was a crazy week. Managing kids homework/school stuff, wedding planning, work/clients/programming is catching up. But we are getting it done and it's coming together nicely.
I sit here writing my log as Christian goes over our intern's weekly meeting. It's been good to sit in on these educational meetings as it's always good to hear and learn again the little details of this industry. When you've been doing this as long as I have, much of the day in and day out stuff becomes monotonous. Keeping fire alive helps tremendously. And as always, makes me grateful to be surrounded by good people.
Training wise, max effort singles went well. I'm surprising myself a bit with these specialty bars. It's difficult sometimes to see the big picture when you're doing exercises that are so far away from your competition lifts. Sometimes our ego gets the best of us and we *feel* like we should be hitting certain numbers. When the idea behind these movements are to literally do exercises that we will suck at.
Training movements that allow for a great strain without a great load can be very beneficial when not directly in meet prep. If I can get stronger using less load (due to the nature of the exercise) why would I continue to beat up my joints and body using near (competition) max weights.
So let's look at what we accomplished this week....
Monday - Max Effort Lower
*SSB Squats, max Single @ 220 + 4 Chains
*SSB squats @ 155 + chains, 3x5 with 5 second negative
*Seated SSB GM’s 3x10 @ 115
*Band Around Hips RDL 3x8 @ 185
*Planks - up for 10, down for 5, 10 times
Wednesday - Max Effort Upper
*Swiss Bar Floor press, max single: 175
*Swiss bar floor press, 3x5 + 5 second negative @ 140
* Wide mag grip seated cable rows 4x12:
*Neutral grip pull-downs 4x12:
*DB chest supported Row 4x8:
*Incline DB Skull-crushers 4x15:
*Banded Rear Delt 3x20:
Friday - Dynamic Lower/ME deads
*Squats with chains 8x2 @ 155 + 2 chains
*Sumo deads, stiff bar with light bands: 290
(we somehow forgot about our eccentrics this week... oops)
*Laying Hamstring Curls 3x12:
*Incline DB Shrugs 3x15:
*Trap Bar Carries 3 trips
Saturday - Dynamic Upper
*Bench with chain 8x3: @ 115
* Swiss bar bench Medium Set of 5 @ 155
*DB Bench Press 4x10: worked up to 60s
*Cable EZ bar curls 3x15:
*Banded Push-Ups 3x15:
(skipped a few isolation exercises due to some shoulder aggravation)