Christian is probably the best training partner I've had. Obviously it helps that he knows what makes me tick, what makes me happy, angry, excited, fearful, etc. Last week, I talked about how his comments about "wanting it more than me" had such an impact.
For my heavy bench, that moment came back to help me in a huge way. I took a heavy set of bench and it moved slow. It was technically a little off, so when he asked me if I wanted to go up, I decided to take the same weight again and do it better.
So I literally sat on the edge of the bench and said "You gotta want it more than him..." It worked.
Here we are in the middle of our isometric phase. We did box squats for our max effort work, which made deciding how to do our isometric second exercise challenging. We didn't want to box squat, then go to a free squat, but we didn't want to pause and RELAX on the box for our pauses either.
So we kinda made it into an iso/pause and staying tight AS IF there was no box. Much of the week went really well and as planned. I'll be recapping these again here soon so stay tuned.
Monday- max effort lower
*Cambered Bar, Wide Stance 265x2
*Cambered bar wide stance, 3x5 with 3 second pause @ 185
*Seated Round Back SSB GM’s 3x12
*Pull throughs 3x15:
*DB Glute Bridges + 3 count Hold 3x15:
*FatBell Single Arm Overhead Carries:
Wednesday- max effort upper
*Fat Gripz Bench Press @ 175x2
*Fat gripz bench, 3x5 + 3 second pause @ 140
*Single Arm seated cable rows 3x12:
*Ladder Grip grip pull-downs 3x15:
*DB Row 3x12:
*Rolling Tricep Extensions 3x15:
*Rear Delt 3x25:
*Speed squats with chains 10x2 @ 150
*Sumo Deads, Stiff Bar @ 315x2
*Sumo Deads, 3x5 with 3 second Pause @ 225
*Back raise 3x15:
*DB Seated RB Good-mornings 3x18:
*Heavy Prowler Push 3 rounds (didn't get to do these)
*Speed bench with chains 10x3 @ 105
*Close Grip Shoulder Saver bench, work up to 165x5
*Decline DB Bench Press 3x12 @ 50's
*Standing Side raises 3x10
*Seated DB Zottman curls 3x15
*Chain Push-Ups Mega Drop Set 1x:
*rear delts 3x25