Monday Training: Squat

  • SSB Box Squat: 205/230/3x3@255
  • Push-ups: 5x5
  • BBB: 10x5@205

Wednesday Training: Bench

  • FBB: 100/110/3x5@120
  • BBB: 5x10@100
  • Pull-ups: 50

Friday Training: Deadlift

  • Trap Bar: 235/260/3x3@285
  • T-Bar: 7x10
  • BBB: 10x5@235
  • LM Press: 3x15 each

Saturday Fluff and Puff to follow a quick Baseball group that's getting a lift.

I think I'll only be doing the 4th day for another cycle (2 more weeks).  The weather is getting better and I can probably not be such a baby about the cold.

The only downfall I see in my training is not enough work for my upper body.  I've been very lucky that the work I have been doing hasn't been really bothering my shoulder.  It's still REALLY weak, but I can tell it's improving.

The extra upper body work is ALL for aesthetics.  I just want to look big again.