Stress. We all deal with it differently and as a parent, business owner, athlete...we often don't have time to actually just deal and process it properly. Sooner or later we will have to and you had better hope that you deal with it properly before it explodes and the bomb takes out everyone around you as you blow your own self up.

As a very brief youngest son (with Autism) has been in and out of hospitals a lot recently. With any other child it is a struggle but with a child that will explode when in stressful situations, around large groups of people, and CAN NOT sit still...everything compounds. So as a parent we not only deal with the situation as it arises but we deal with the "this is going to be tough tomorrow" on a constant basis.

My oldest son knocked my work computer off of the counter onto the floor, breaking it. TWICE.

Our bank has lost (and still not found) all of our savings accounts for both children.

Heck...I don't even want to think about what all else has happened in the last couple of days, so I'm just going to begin this video with a short THOUGHT on how to deal with stress when you need to train.

Please, take the time to watch the first few minutes of the video. Nobody cares about the weights I'm using in the gym but the words I say at the beginning could save your life and the lives around you.