I will be the first to admit, my snatch is normally UGLY! It is painful to look at and painful to do. It doesn't matter how much Jack's Blue Heat I put on it or how I use the steel brush to smooth it out...it is just rough!
A few things always seem to happen.
1) I lose a bunch of weight for one reason or another.
2) My Weightlifting technique improves LIKE CRAZY
3) After a few weeks of being at a lighter bodyweight my joints start to hurt like crazy
4) My Weightlifting lifts start falling FAST
5) I start gaining weight again
6) My recovery increases and my joint pain decreases
7) My Weightlifting technique goes down the toilet again
So I've been sick and I've dropped around 30 lbs in the last several weeks but I had a new playlist on my mp3 player so it was time to Rock and Roll! Things just seemed to flow and the biggest thing that I could FEEL was the barbell traveling up my thighs and SCOOPING through the crevice of my hip. Every time in my life that I've felt the bar do this, it flies up like it is weightless and that is a crazy feeling!
Why didn't I continue to add weight to the bar and ride the wave? Because I'm smart enough to know that I need the sets of 2 and not singles to make progress and that since I've been sick it is a recipe for disaster and injury. I kept the 5 sets of 2 and I have a week to figure out exactly what I did that make this possible!
So, if you have any ideas as to WHY my body seemed to find the perfect positions...please PLEASE freaking let me know!