Comprehensive Performance Nutrition (eBook)

A comprehensive overview of performance-guided nutrition and training in an easy-to-follow Q&A format. Bon appetit!

Author: Justin Harris
Length: 155 pages

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Comprehensive Performance Nutrition (eBook)

Comprehensive Performance Nutrition (eBook)

by Justin Harris

155 pages

From the author:

The objective of this book is to present a comprehensive overview of performance-guided nutrition and training in an easy-to-follow question and answer format. I have spent much of my life learning and developing my interest in nutrition. I have often wished for an easy-to-follow guide that would allow me to continue my knowledge growth in brief periods of time.

I believe this book will provide many benefits to the readers interested in developing their own knowledge base on training and nutrition.

In this book, you will find definable answers to many real-world questions your peers have posed to me over the years.

Topics Include:

  • Fat Loss
  • Offseason Dieting
  • General Nutrition
  • Supplements
  • Powerlifting
  • Training 
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