Week 1 (November 15th 2021)

Leg extension 3x10 w/1plate 1.5min rest

Leg curl 3x10 w/2 plates

Abduction/Aduction 3x20 w/2 plates

Walk stop sign 220yds.

First day lifting anything. Per Dr. orders had to wait 12 weeks post surgery so my sternum could heal. Feeling a lot better. Is super tough to not lift owning a gym but have to play it safe. Immune system is shot due to all the anti rejection medicines and couple procedures they perfor d on me so another issue is avoiding Everyone so I don’t get sick. Goal is to train mon/tues then wed do cardio then train thurs/fri then cardio on Saturday and rest Sunday’s. Have been cleared to have coffee for energy which helps a ton. Drank some cold brew feel good.
Coaching is minimal as of now. Just Doing some small groups and 1-1’s while keeping my distance so I don’t get sick.