Old family photo albums are fun. There are the old pets we forgot about, the creepy uncle we're all kind of glad passed away (but no one wants to admit it), and the hideous hair and clothing styles of the past. Unfortunately, photo albums are also outdated; does anyone even print photos anymore?
We've all gone digital and that's okay. To show an appreciation for the past, though, we're sharing some old family photos of the members of Team elitefts — and we're giving you a chance to test your knowledge. In the seventeen photos below, team members are any age between two and sixteen. Can you recognize the younger versions of these elitefts team members?
Post your guess in the comment section below and we'll reveal their true identities Tuesday, November 25th.
UPDATE: It's time for the answers. You've had your chance to identify the team members in the photos, and now we're telling you who is who.
Some of the elitefts™ members were easy to recognize; some weren't. Even here in the office we had a hard time identifying several of the toddlers (but there was no way we could confuse that Clint Darden hair. We're all a little jealous of that style).
Thanks to everyone who participated, especially Chris, David, Gary, Ed, Ryan, Joe, Wayne, Ben, Giovanny, and Cody.
1. I still have a big head and I still dress to kill.
2. This is me at two years old with my Uncle Tom. My son's middle name came from my uncle.
3. I thought I was Michelangelo and smashed pizza while saving my pets from Master Splinter.
4. Playing with my very favorite toy dinosaur, and contemplating stealing your soul if you try to take it.
5. It was the 80’s and I was about to rock a full grown mullet. Mullets rule.
6. Due to my father's need for quality concrete leveling help, I spent the first 17 years of my life traveling through every loophole in the child labor laws. On a serious note, I was fortunate to learn the value of hard work and appreciation for what I have.
7. My interest in the motor patterns of scapular retraction began at an early age.
8. My penmanship has only slightly improved since this picture was taken.
9. I had really cool parents.
10. I was freaking JAMMIN' back in 9th grade.
11. I'm trying to figure out what that level did. Looking at it now, I still have no idea. Obviously, I was destined to wear Zubaz and Sweat Pants.
12. Picture day in first grade, pimping my Mikey Mouse shirt I got from Disney World that summer before school.
13. I was country when country wasn't cool.
14. When I was a kid, my siblings picked on me for the younger and sort of the runt of the family. I had to get my game face on and fight back.