The Safety Squat Bar Glute Bridge is great for helping with the lockout portion of the deadlift and the squat. I would even go as far as to say that your bench will increase due to the fact that you will be able to engage the hamstrings and glutes more effectively. This movement is an excellent warm-up before squatting and deadlifting. It can also be used as an accessory movement in your lower body training. A good set and rep scheme would be 3-4 sets for 12-15 reps.

Muscles worked: the hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, and abdominals.

Some key points to remember:

  1. Do not hyperextend the spine, as this is cheating and could damage discs and vertebrae
  2. Lift the bar through your heels and hips, not through the toes
  3. Keep the abdominals engaged at all times as this helps with stabilization
  4. Make sure the handles face down, otherwise they will hit you in the face (painful and embarrassing)