I am currently in week 30 of a fat loss diet with Shelby Starnes. I’ve gone from a morning weight of approximately 265 pounds, to around 214 pounds; up to this point I have been dieting for fat loss. I’ve put on a noticeable amount of muscle on my thighs and delts. Gaining muscle while losing around 50 pounds of fat, is a testament to the importance of a good diet and getting in enough protein and manipulating carbohydrates. I’m ecstatic about the results. According to Shelby, I am currently lean enough to begin intelligently gaining muscle. While I'm currently adjusted to a no-carb diet, I eagerly anticipate the change in diet. I am looking forward to the upcoming challenge of putting on muscle and strength. Bring on the healthy carbs! What's up Ezekiel Bread?
The last 10 weeks have been some of the most challenging weeks. This is primarily due to fat loss progress slowing down to approximately a pound a week. This diet has dealt a severe blow to my “instant gratification” paradigm. Investing in seven hours of cardio, 6-8 hours of strength training and following a specific diet 24/7 to gain a “mere” pound of fat-loss has solidified my will to succeed.
My physique has been improving steadily and the visual changes are very drastic week to week. In January, I was wearing 42-inch waist jeans, now I’m wearing 34-inch waist jeans. My strength has been staying the same, or slightly improving over the last 10 weeks.
For the last few weeks, I’ve been on a no-carb diet (obviously there are incidentals from the nut products and green salad) with a cheat meal on Sunday night for the last meal of the day. Surprisingly hunger hasn’t been an issue for me. My energy levels have been dropping steadily throughout the week, but I have been taking the perspective of it being a challenge.
Meal 1
- 5 whole eggs w/hot sauce
- 1 tsp of sugar-free Metamucil
Meal 2
- 45g protein from chocolate whey protein isolate
- 2 egg whites
- 1.5 tbsp all natural peanut butter
Meal 3
- 45g protein from lean meat (chicken breast, tuna, tilapia)
- 1/3 cup almonds
Meal 4
- 45g protein from chocolate flavored whey protein isolate
- 2 egg whites
- 1.5 tbsp all natural peanut butter
Meal 5
- 45g protein from a fatty protein source like salmon or top round steak
- a cup of green veggies (spinach, broccoli, green beans)
- 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tbsp vinegar
Meal 6
- 5 whole eggs w/ hot sauce
- 3 grams fish oil
- 2 grams evening primrose oil
- 1tsp of sugar-free Metamucil
For meal 2 and meal 4, I mix the protein powder with the 4 egg whites and 3 tbsp of natural peanut butter and mix it up until it’s the consistency of a very rigid pudding. The protein pudding is a nice treat while on a low carb diet. For protein sources I’ve been switching it up as much as possible, chicken breast has been a staple, but I’ve been rotating in some more fish (tuna, tilapia, trout, salmon, and halibut). However, I’ve had to be conscious of the fat content, as all fish are not created equal.
I have been drinking 7-8 liters of water a day and probably average four diet sodas as of late. Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke Zero, Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Cherry 7-Up have been my weapons of choice.
I’ve been doing fasted non-panting cardio seven times a week for 60 minutes every morning. Most of the cardio is done on an incline treadmill (3.5 miles per hour at a 10% incline). Reading books, watching movies, ESPN and Top Gear has kept me sane while walking.
Training has been going well. As I mentioned before, my strength has stayed the same or slightly improved. My work capacity has steadily improved throughout the last 30 weeks. I’ve been drinking two liters of water during my workout, mixed with three scoops of hydrolyzed casein, five grams of citruline malate and a pre-workout supplement with Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Caffeine, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine.
Monday - Lower Body
Vertical Jumps with dumbbells
- BW x 2
- 15 x 2
- 20 x 2
- 25 x 2 x 8
Smith Front Squat (squat rack was being used)
- 1pps x 3
- 1.25pps x 3
- 1.5pps x 3
- 1.75pps x 3
- 2pps x 3
- 2.25pps x 3
- 2.5pps x 3
- 2.25pps x 3
- 2.5pps x 3
High Bar OLY Squat
- 225 x 3
- 245 x 3
- 275 x 3
- 285 x 3
- 295 x 3
- 225 x 5
- 225 x 5
- 225 x 5
Vertical Jumps
- BW x 3 x 8
Close Stance Leg Press with doubled average bands and light bands + short monster minis Drop SET
- 5pps x 10
- 4pps x 10
- 3pps x 10
- 2pps x 10 (smoked, had to "breathing squat" a few reps on each set)
Seated Leg Curl
- 110 x 15
- 140 x 15
- 160 x 15
- 140 x 15
- 160 x 15
- 140 x 8 (done)
DB SDL/RDL/Keystone
- 100 x 10 x 5
Body weight Single Leg SDL
- BW x 20 x 2
Calf Raise Drop Set on Leg Press
- 5pps x 11
- 4pps x 12
- 3pps x 27 + 30 partials
Mechanical Drop set (just for some extra fun)
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 10
BB Sumo DL
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 10
Tuesday - Upper Body (Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps)
Standing Press
- bar x 5
- 95 x 5
- 115 x 5
- 135 x 5
- 155 x 5
- 185 x 5
Partial DB Lateral Raise (cheater style)
- 60 x 30
- 60 x 20
Rear Delt DB Swings (JM Style)
- 60 x 30
- 40 x 30
- 15 x 30 (10 reps strict with 5 count pauses on top and then 20 reps cheating)
Wide Grip Strict Press
- 95 x 8
- 95 x 8
- 95 x 7
Narrow/Regular Grip Strict Press
- 95 x 8
- 95 x 8
- 95 x 8
Push Press Regular Grip
- 95 x 8
- 95 x 7
- 95 x 5 (smoked)
Face Pulls
- 80 x 20 x 4 sets
Alternating DB Curl (6 count negatives)
- 40 x 6
- 50 x 6 x 3 sets
- 60 x 6
Lying Deadstop DB Extensions
- 40 x 8 x 4
- 40 x 6
Palms up DB Curl Constant Tension
- 30 x 8 x 4 Sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns
- 130 x 8
- 100 x 8 x 2
- 70 x 10 (double pump extension)
DB Concentration Curl Alternate hands until 100 reps reached
- 20 x 100 reps
Elite Monster Mini Pressdowns
- 100 reps
Med Ball Front Raise - Different Size Balls
- 20 reps each ball x 120 total reps
Med Ball Presses - Different Size balls
- 20 reps each ball x 120 total reps
Thursday - Lower Body Training
HS Iso lateral leg ext
- 15 x 20
- 35 x 22
- 35 x 15
- 35 x 8
Avenger Leg Press
- 525 x 12
- 435 x 8
- 350 x 12 (smoked)
BB Back Squat High Bar to an 1" below //
- 225 x 10
- 275 x 9
- 225 x 10
Super High Step Ups Hittin' that full ROM
- BW x 7 each leg x 5 sets
Speedy Conv Deadlifts
- 135 x 5
- 225 x 5
- 275 x 5
- 315 x 5
- 275 x 5
Super High Step Ups Part II
- BW x 5 x 5 sets
TUT Bottom Half Squats
- 135 x 20
Outside for PROWLER + Jump Rope
Prowler Push
- 40 yards Low
Prowler Push
- 40 yards High
Jump Rope
- 60 jumps as fast as possible
- 30 seconds on elbows
- 30 seconds pushup position
- 10
Friday - Upper Body (Chest, Back, Traps)
- 45 x 20 x 3 sets
- 135 x 8 wide x 8 close x 8 regular
- 225 x 5 wide x 5 close x 5 regular
- 275 x 5 wide
- 295 x 4 wide
- 225 x 8 wide x 8 close x 5 regular
Incline Smith
- 1.5pps x 20
- 1.5pps x 10 x 2 sets
Cable Fly
- 60 x 10
- 50 x 10 x 2
- BW x 10 x 3 sets
Deadstop DB rows
- 100 x 10 x 4 sets
BB Shrugs 2-count hold
- 225 x 12
- 275 x 12
- 225 x 12 x 2 sets
Chest Supported DB rows 2-count pause scap retraction
- 60 x 15 x 3
- 60 x 14
Kayak Rows
- 110 x 20 x 4 sets
Cable Pulldown 5-counts in fully contracted position
- 180 x 5
- 160 x 5
- 140 x 5 x 2
DB Snatch
- 20 x 2
- 25 x 2
- 30 x 2
- 35 x 2
- 40 x 2
- 45 x 2
DB Shrug 2-count hold
- 100 x 10
- 95 x 10
- 90 x 10
- 85 x 10
- 80 x 10
- 75 x 10