Since we've started posting Team Awful videos from the gym, I've been getting a ton of questions about them. First question is usually “Why the hell are you idiots doing that?” The second one is usually “Why the hell are you idiots posting that?” Well, I'd like to be able to tell you that there are a lot of different reasons, and there may or may not be, but rather than go into all of them, I'll try to give a general basis for it, and some background as to how we get all of the videos.
A question I’ve gotten before is how we get all of the videos. The answer to that one is simple. We videotape nearly every main lift done in the gym. I have a $200 Flip HD that we use. It's very simple to tape, watch and then save for later or delete it on the spot. There are a couple of reasons for this. Now, the first reason, is for Team Awful. I’m kidding. That’s not the first reason. The first reason is that it works great as a teaching tool. We have a LOT of guys who are literally brand new to the sport, or if they have experience, couldn’t be considered more than novices. It works well as feedback for them, but it also shows if the coaching cues we use work. It helps them learn how to teach and coach lifts, which helps everyone. Anyway, enough of that…ON TO THE VIDEOS!
This was the first video we did titled Team Awful. It's starring Jeff. Jeff trains like a beast, but he just so happens to be one of the biggest idiots I've ever met in my life. He's pretty funny though, and we roast him mercilessly.
This video is the first Team Awful Compilation. Lots of idiots from the gym, and of course, myself. We suck. As you watch these, you'll notice my proficiency with iMovie increase exponentially.
This is the last one. Better clips and better editing, but the lifting is still terrible. We really just want to fit in with everyone else on YouTube who sucks, but makes pretty videos.
Version 3.0 is in the works. At this rate, it'll probably look like a full-feature production from Warner Brothers or something. Probably Lions Gate. Or Vivid Videos. Not quite sure yet.