Empowerment (eBook)

The Empowerment eBook is bursting at the spine with all the knowledge that's packed into it. This book contains 28 anecdotes from the elitefts sponsors about lessons they learned in the past year, in life, work, and the gym.

Length: 80 pages



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Empowerment 2010 MAW Manual

Empowerment (eBook)

80 pages

The Empowerment eBook is bursting at the spine with all the knowledge that's packed into it. This book contains 28 anecdotes from the elitefts sponsors about lessons they learned in the past year, in life, work, and the gym.

Table of Contents

  • Don't Compromise Your Values, Character, or Vision by Chad Wesley Smith
  • Organizational Skills by Al Caslow
  • Just be Yourself by Jon Taylor
  • Value Relationships and Appreciate Others by Jim "Smitty" Smith
  • Follow Your Passion and Go for Greatness by Zach Even-Esh
  • Pause for a Moment and Enjoy Life by Chris Vaughn
  • Promise Yourself To Be So Strong by Amy Wattles
  • Set a Goal with Purpose by Adam Driggers
  • Get Your Damn Priorities Straight by Brian Carroll
  • Stick to the Long-Term Plan by Thomas Deebel
  • We Often Take so Much for Granted by Shelby Starnes
  • Embracing My Challenges by Ginger Vieira
  • Find a Balance in Work and Life by CJ Murphy
  • It Could Always Be Worse by Scott Yard
  • Your Foundation Can Never Be Strong Enough by Mike Robertson
  • Take a Step Back to Move Forward by Josh McMillan
  • Learn to Laugh and Cry by Clint Darden
  • Life is Short — Don't Waste It by Scott Cartwright
  • Be in the Present Moment by The Angry Coach
  • Small Decisions Shape the Big Picture of Our Life by JL Holdsworth
  • Make a Positive Impact and Work Hard by Todd Hamer
  • Become Your Own Hero by Nate Green
  • Keep Growing, Learning, Advancing, and Adapting by Chad Aichs
  • Minimalistic by Jason Ferruggia
  • Be a Mentor by Alwyn Cosgrove
  • Put in the Time and Work to Succeed by Andy Deck
  • Lifting Kept Me Sane by Vincent Dizenzo
  • A New Direction by Dave Tate
  • PLUS... a special strongman training bonus book!
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