WATCH: 3 Agility Ladder Drills that Don't Suck
WATCH: 3 Agility Ladder Drills that Don't Suck
Besides a warm-up variation or trying to impress parents, agility ladders probably don’t have much merit in developing speed or agility. Prescribed foot patterns won’t help, but maybe these 3 drill could.
Stupid Training Tools: Agility Ladders
Stupid Training Tools: Agility Ladders
Sidestep your way to mediocracy.
5 Things That Are Wrong with This Country
5 Things That Are Wrong with This Country
Fixing these issues with our athletes will not fix our country, but we all need to start where we can make the most impact.
The Ladder…Good? Bad? Both.
The Ladder…Good? Bad? Both.
Ladder drills should be included in the dynamic warm up phase of a complete strength and conditioning program on occasion to change things up and keep it fresh.

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