Choose One: Piss and Moan or Personal Growth
Choose One: Piss and Moan or Personal Growth
2020 started out pretty well. Then all shit broke loose. Were you on Camp Complain or Camp Let’s Figure It Out? I quickly realized I had two options.
The Stress of It All
The Stress of It All
You do you and let me do me.
11 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Stage (Unless You’re Huge)
11 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Stage (Unless You’re Huge)
Don’t do any of these things… unless you can pull them off.
Peak Week for the Physique Competitor
Peak Week for the Physique Competitor
You’re at the point where you have nothing left, but you still keep going because you see yourself at the end of this crazy 20-plus-week diet complete with one month of self-induced torture, a week full of waterboarding, starvation, and a pissy temper. Welcome to peak week.
Mental Considerations for Bodybuilding
Mental Considerations for Bodybuilding
Hear me on this one. If you’re running from your past or managing it in secrecy, bodybuilding isn’t the answer.
The Freak Show Exodus
The Freak Show Exodus
You will have your supporters and your naysayers as with everything in this world, but I am in complete support of this shift in the paradigm. Why?
Bodybuilding Moochers
Bodybuilding Moochers
We are all a representation of our sport and industry. Which means I’m gonna have a problem with a shitbag begging for money for something he or she could pay for themselves if they weren’t so lazy and entitled.
The Competitor's Pump-Up Guide — Either Do It Right or Don’t Do It At All
The Competitor's Pump-Up Guide — Either Do It Right or Don’t Do It ...
You can spend months dieting and training in preparation to show your best on stage, but if you screw up in the final 30 minutes, what you’re left with is a sub-optimal package and poor placement.
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Bodybuilding History and Nutrition for Improved Health
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Bodybuilding History and Nutrition fo...
Performing best, and especially looking your best for the sport of bodybuilding, requires that your body be functioning well on the inside. Mark shares how he has accomplished this throughout his career.
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
It occurs to me that the large majority of whining is coming from physique competitors. Apparently no one has been honest with you up to this point.
Carbohydrates and Cortisol Control: Rediscovering Passion
Carbohydrates and Cortisol Control: Rediscovering Passion
Now that I’ve found solutions to many of my own problems, I’m faced with a new challenge: helping my IFBB coach out of a lengthy retirement.
How To Execute a Front and Side Relaxed Pose
How To Execute a Front and Side Relaxed Pose
Don’t hide your perfect physique with poor posing. Follow these tips from professional posing coach Dave Myers.
Contest Prep Dieting and Training Modifications From 21 to 11 Weeks Out
Contest Prep Dieting and Training Modifications From 21 to 11 Weeks Out
By adjusting macronutrient ratios and splitting workouts into twice a day, you can overcome the lack of energy from low-calorie contest prep. You won’t even have to do cardio.
Dieting to Single-Digit Body Fat
Dieting to Single-Digit Body Fat
How I went from chubby powerlifter to shredded bodybuilder.

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