Do You Have a Task- or Process-Oriented Mindset?
Do You Have a Task- or Process-Oriented Mindset?
A couple of years ago, I was fixated on all the wrong things. The big picture was out of scope. I urge you to take the time to slow down on accomplishing tasks and enjoy the process. Build relationships and make memories — you’ll regret it if you don’t.
The Allure of Powerlifting
The Allure of Powerlifting
What is it about powerlifting that draws people to it like a magnet? Is it the parts of us that start as iron ore and are melted down into knurled steel through training? Is it a religion we worship? What power does powerlifting have over us?
Welcome to the Post-Show Gates of Hell
Welcome to the Post-Show Gates of Hell
Terrible things can happen after a show. I’ve seen shingles, illness, and weight rebound. If your protocol is intelligent, you can avoid all this.

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