General Concepts and Progression of the Omni-Contraction System
General Concepts and Progression of the Omni-Contraction System
After consulting with Ben Prentiss and implementing with my athletes, here’s a BRIEF description of the system. Download the 12-week program!
The SWIS Symposium — Everything That's Right with the Fitness Industry
The SWIS Symposium — Everything That's Right with the Fitness Industry
I could write a book on everything I learned from the 30-plus pages of notes I took from the weekend. Instead, I’m going to give you the Cliffs Notes version.
Metabolic Pump and Explosive Complexes
Metabolic Pump and Explosive Complexes
Try these extra workouts for bigger gains.
Breaking Down Your Training Program
Breaking Down Your Training Program
Having a problem with your programming? Jennifer Petrosino can break it down for you.
Cluster Training
Cluster Training
Cluster or rest-pause training involves using short inter-set rest periods of anywhere from 10–30 seconds to produce more powerful repetitions or more repetitions with a heavy weight.
Kinetic Energy Accumulation Training
Kinetic Energy Accumulation Training
Preview from the author’s book. Christian’s work can be found at

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