Creature of Habit
Creature of Habit
Habits can be a double-edged sword that work against you, particularly in training. Attending elitefts’ LTT3 Seminar catalyzed the habits I needed to break to push past my training plateaus.
Exiting Your Comfort Zone: Expect Casualties Along the Way to Success
Exiting Your Comfort Zone: Expect Casualties Along the Way to Success
Winners create their chances and don’t wait for opportunities. They are relentless, ruthless, and focused.
Why Comfort Can Kill Your Progress
Why Comfort Can Kill Your Progress
Familiarity and comfort aren’t always bad things — I drive the same route home every day. But in your diet and training? Be ready for change.
Steve's Strength Tips: Stay On Your Feet
Steve's Strength Tips: Stay On Your Feet
There’s a big difference between you and me. I’ve been there and back. I’ve done it all. Everything you’ve ever thought of, I’ve lifted already.

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