5 Weeks to Goblet Squat Dominance
5 Weeks to Goblet Squat Dominance
Think goblet squats are wimpy exercises? Follow this program for five weeks, and you’ll change your mind. You’ll likely improve your squat mechanics, too.
How Many Exercise Variations Do You Need?
How Many Exercise Variations Do You Need?
When I refer back to what worked best for me in college, I always seem to glean some “new” information by reviewing old material. This time around, I decided to use less variance in my programming by repeating the same special exercises 3 weeks at a time.
An Epic Q&A with Dr. John Rusin and Dave Tate
An Epic Q&A with Dr. John Rusin and Dave Tate
Is Dave still following Dr. Rusin’s protocol? What are Dr. Rusin’s top-two training takeaways working with Dave? In this Q&A, Dave Tate and Dr. John Rusin share their overall experiences from video series “Fixing Dave Tate” and “Breaking John Rusin,” and more.
Build Your Bench Press with the Chest Supported Row
Build Your Bench Press with the Chest Supported Row
When Dr. John pulls his shoulder blades in while keeping his elbows out, there is a clear depression between his shoulder blades. What I want to see in a powerlifter is more like a hump.
The Intent of Recovery
The Intent of Recovery
Intelligent training does NOT need to be pussyfooting around HARD training. It also doesn’t need to be pushing you to a point where you have to “deserve” a rest day. Attending SWIS 2018 and listening to Dr. John Rusin and Christian Thibedeau, I thought it would be great to revisit this topic.
WATCH:  Breaking John Rusin — The Program
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Program
In this video clip, Tate and Rusin compile these learnings to develop a comprehensive training program. Together, they discuss how to adjust the workouts to best suit Rusin’s development of the “big three” lifts, planning around his traveling schedule as needed.
WATCH: Question & Answer Session with Dave Tate
WATCH: Question & Answer Session with Dave Tate
Dave sits down to answer key questions that he received over the course of the Fixing Date Tate Series. Dave discusses everything from his biggest takeaways, to lessons learned, overall project goals, lifestyle changes, and the importance of effectively auto-regulating your own training program.
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Explosive vs. Strong, Trendy Hashtags, and Dave's Transformations
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Explosive vs. Strong, Trendy Hashtags, and Dave...
At some point Dave will make it to his destination, but until then, he’s got a few more questions to answer.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Implementing the Upper Body Training Adjustments for Phase 3
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Implementing the Upper Body Training Adjustmen...
Putting Dr. Rusin’s new plan to the test, this video shows a full session of Dave’s revised upper body training days.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Implementing the Lower Body Training Adjustments for Phase 3
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Implementing the Lower Body Training Adjustmen...
Dr. Rusin already explained the alterations to Dave’s program after the first two phases. Now it’s time to see them in action.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Adjustments to Lower Body Training Days for Phase 3
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Adjustments to Lower Body Training Days for Ph...
Now that Dr. Rusin and Dave checked in and reviewed the previous progress, it’s time to make some changes to both the max effort and dynamic effort lower body training days.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The Dynamic Warm-Up Sequences for Upper Body and Lower Body
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The Dynamic Warm-Up Sequences for Upper Body a...
Dr. Rusin has covered the purpose of the six-phase dynamic warm-up sequence. Now it’s time to dig into the specific movements in each sequence and learn proper execution.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Programming the Six-Phase Dynamic Warm-Up Sequence
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Programming the Six-Phase Dynamic Warm-Up Sequ...
The goal is to rebuild Dave’s foundational movement patterns, and the first step is to begin each training session with one of two 15-minute sequences. Here’s the method behind the madness.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Observing Dave's Current Training Capabilities
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Observing Dave's Current Training Capabil...
To gain a greater understanding of Dave’s current capabilities, Dr. Rusin watches a full training session of six movements.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The Three Areas of Focus Discovered During Initial Evaluation
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The Three Areas of Focus Discovered During Ini...
With the discovery phase nearly complete, Dr. Rusin has identified three key areas that will be imperative for Dave moving forward — hip stability, posterior chain upper quadrant stability/thoracic spine cage mobility, and program formation.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Orthopedic Evaluation
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Orthopedic Evaluation
Whereas the previous screen was intended to identify red flags, this assessment will consist of clinically-based testing to produce both a medical diagnosis and a functional movement capacity diagnosis.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Movement Screening
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Movement Screening
The initial assessment is complete and it’s time for some hands-on evaluation of Dave’s movement, using these seven key movements. The compensation patterns and pain indicators observed in this step will be used in the next phase of the process.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Initial Assessment with Dr. John Rusin
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Initial Assessment with Dr. John Rusin
Years of pushing his body to the limit has left Dave with two hip replacements, numerous shoulder surgeries, more injuries than he can recall, constant daily pain, and restricted movement. It’s time for a change.
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
Your numbers will be subject to so many external variables, but your character is forged by intentionality.

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