Social Media in Strength and Conditioning
Social Media in Strength and Conditioning
Life was meant to be lived, not read. Cars were meant to be driven, not parked. The harbor is safe, but a ship was meant to sail. Don’t let articles and books convince you that you understand it all.
Less Work, More Results in High School Athletes
Less Work, More Results in High School Athletes
Stop burying your athletes into the ground and do only as much training as needed for optimal results.
A Case for Specialized Exercises
A Case for Specialized Exercises
Those that study Russian and Eastern Bloc training experts understand proper coaching involves bridging the gap between the gym and performance.
Recruiting From Within the Weightroom
Recruiting From Within the Weightroom
Your first impression defines the coach-athlete relationship that determines your program's success.
Are We Teaching Speed and Quickness?
Are We Teaching Speed and Quickness?
Somehow, it is universally accepted that if you increase your strength and do running specific drills, you will increase your speed and quickness.
The Practical Paradigm: Knee Drive
The Practical Paradigm: Knee Drive
There is a certain individualization to running form.
A Case for 1x20 Training
A Case for 1x20 Training
In essence, this is the perfect system for youth athletes.
The Practical Paradigm: Threshold of Adaptation
The Practical Paradigm: Threshold of Adaptation
The long-term development of an athlete should always be in the forefront of every training program.
Dr. Yessis: General Strength Can Help Improve Performance
Dr. Yessis: General Strength Can Help Improve Performance
Athletes never achieve their full potential because the training stops when the level of fitness is obtained.
Coach G: Citizens of Rome
Coach G: Citizens of Rome
One word can change the entire meaning of a phrase.
Science and Practice: A Response to Glassman
Science and Practice: A Response to Glassman
Is Glassman correct? Is there no need for science in programming?
Did Your Hard Work Pay Off? Dr. Yessis Project: Part 3
Did Your Hard Work Pay Off? Dr. Yessis Project: Part 3
Now that the summer is winding down and the fall season is upon us, it is time for strength and conditioning coaches to see if all of their hard work paid off.
Physical Preparation of a Quarterback: Dr. Yessis Project part 2
Physical Preparation of a Quarterback: Dr. Yessis Project part 2
I was fortunate enough to call upon the efforts of Dr. Yessis to help find out the root mechanical cause in Troy’s throwing and come up with a program to improve him.
Dr. Yessis Project: Part 1
Dr. Yessis Project: Part 1
This past week I accompanied our starting quarterback and our quarterbacks’ coach to California to visit Dr. Yessis.

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