Optimal Arousal in Powerlifting
Ever step onto the platform with raging, psyched up adrenaline coursing through your veins…but you end up missing the lift?
Hand Position During Rest: On Head or Knees?
When an athlete bends over, it shows who is weak. We didn’t want to have our athletes appearing weak, so we made them stand up. Maybe we’re wrong about that.
What We Can Do As S&C Coaches
What if the lineman loses 35 pounds as a result of not having adequate food. Are they ready for the upcoming season? Are they going to be able to perform optimally if that 35 pounds was force-producing muscle mass? Most likely not.
Division Differences in Jumping Ability
In this article, I’d like to present some research that we did examining a BCS Division 1 University and an NAIA University that existed within 15 miles of each other.
COVID-19 and S&C
Albert Einstein says it best, “Out of clutter, find simplicity. Out of discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Unstable Load Training for the Bench Press
All training means have value; this is just one more means to add to your arsenal, and after reading, you’ll have some information as to why and how it may be effective.
The Rise of Live Stream Conferences
A key part of being a strength and conditioning coach is something many people may not expect: networking. Be sure you’re not missing out on making important connections that online productions can’t imitate.
Does the 225 Bench Press Repetitions Test Even Matter?
In a published journal article, we examined 31 football players on the 225 Test (and we also collected some velocity data, so hold on to your hats for future publications from this data set) to see if this test made any difference in playing time.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountab...
In my last article, I went over 2 of the 5 dysfunctions of a team. Here, I’ll cover the remaining 3 and how to bring the team closer together.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Absence of Trust and Fear of Conflict
I used the book The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team to help bring my athletes closer together, especially when there was a major shift in the team. These exercises helped bring us closer together and improved performance and morale.
Adjusting to Life Post-Hip Replacement
After undergoing a hip replacement surgery and another surgery on my other hip, it goes without saying I’ve had to adjust how I train. But let me just say, I am so glad I went through with these procedures. The pain is worth it, I promise.
Implementing Self-Determination Theory in Coaching
Self-determination theory is an approach to shift motivation from extrinsic to intrinsic. As coaches, we can make small changes to the way we already do things to cause great changes to the athlete’s performance and motivation source.
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Get to know Dr. Bryan Mann, from his humble beginnings to his current position at the University of Miami, and how he became one of the leading experts on Velocity Based Training.
Championship Nature Series: Dealing With Fear and Accepting Responsibility
This month, I have three stories to share on the topics of dealing with fear and accepting responsibility. Using illustrations from Joe Montana, the founder of Aikido, and Harry S. Truman, hopefully, next time you’re faced with adversity you won’t question, “Why me?”
Championship Nature Series: The Inverted U and Wooden on Criticism
You can’t control what people say about you. Sometimes what they say will be good; sometimes what they say will be bad. What you can control is the way you respond to it. You can let the media get you on the highs and lows of the season, or you can simply choose to not respond to it. It’s your
Before You Social Media Shame Athletes' Poor Technique
All too often we sit back and make judgments through a keyboard in an instant rather than thinking that this is one moment of a program rather than the whole thing. I know that I have done this, too, earlier in my career (and on the wrong day, recently, too).
Product Review: Joe Kenn's Practical Periodization DVD Set
This DVD set will help anyone, both young and old, experienced and inexperienced, learn how to create and implement a successful program.
Championship Nature Series: Thought Stoppage
It’s human nature to let negative thoughts rise and wreck your ability. It’s easy to just let things happen. In contrast, a championship nature stops these thoughts and does not let the downward spiral happen.
All Good Things Come to an End at Mizzou
As a result of decreased enrollment for a few reasons (some projected, some not) and decreased funding from the state, 187 people were out of their jobs this spring, and I was one of them. I have learned some extremely important lessons along the way that I’ll share now, along with where I’m headed.
Championship Nature Series: General George S. Patton and James J. Braddock
Most historical figures aren’t single-faceted, and if your athletes truly connect with them, you can bring other aspects of them to light to aid them in their journeys. General George S. Patton leads by example and James J. Braddock overcomes opponents using visualization.
No Man Is an Island: Recognizing Those Who Have Inspired Me
No one ever gets anywhere alone. These are the people that have supported me and paved the road to where I am today.
Championship Nature Series: Coming Back
What each athlete must remember is that it’s not the mistake that defines you as an athlete; it’s how you respond to the mistake that defines you.
Every Training Method Is Useful
…and every training method is useless. Let’s look at 1×20, APRE, and VBT to understand what this means.
Championship Nature Series: The Circles of Concern and Influence
Of the many things in your life that you care about, there are some you can control and some you cannot. Being aware of the difference will not only make you more successful but also happier.
WATCH: Travis Mash's Barbell Life Podcast Episode 190 with Guest Dr...
In one of his most detailed podcast discussions yet, Dr. Bryan Mann shares a number of discoveries he’s made about athlete training and the use of velocity based training.
Read What Has Come Before
Verkhoshansky. Issuran. Roman. Matveye. Stone. Kraemer. McGuigan. Gill. Newton. Haff. Fry. Zatsiorsky. Yessis. Bosco. Bondarchuk. Siff. Hill. Berger. Bompa. Knight. Issurin. Rhea. Baker. DeLorme. Get to know them.
Living Better in a Profession of Martyrdom: Advice for Young Strength Co...
We need to think about the quality of life and how to increase longevity in this profession. What we are doing does not lead to it.
LISTEN: NSCA's Coaching Podcast — Episode 9 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Host Scott Caulfield leads this discussion on the past and future of velocity based training, the challenge of balancing personal and professionals lives, and the importance of building and maintaining a network.
Irresponsible Social Media Practices in Strength and Conditioning
Social media can be a very powerful tool to enhance your learning and your network, but you have to use it with some responsibility.
LISTEN: All Things Strength & Wellness Episode 112 with Dr. Bryan Mann
For this appearance, Dr. Mann focuses on the physiology of force production, strategies for monitoring stress in athletes, and his experience with Altis.
Foundations of Coaching Lifts — An NSCA Course for Teaching Lifting Tech...
This event offers step-by-step instruction on what a lift should look like, how to cue it, and how to use coaching progressions to take an athlete from never having done the lift to mastering it.
Every Hip Replacement Has a Silver Lining
If life is a juggling act, some balls are rubber and some are glass. You can get another job, buy a new car, or pay someone to fix your house, but if you drop the ball with your family, it is broken forever.
LISTEN: Just Fly Performance Podcast — Episode 42 with Dr. Bryan Mann
This discussion focuses on further applications of velocity based training, including the topic of fast-twitch muscular hypertrophy, ensuring athletes don’t cheat the system, and choosing between average and peak velocity.
LISTEN: Developing Athletes Through the APRE Protocol for Strength Training
Dr. Mann joins Dr. Lowery and Dr. Nelson to discuss the APRE and how the implementation of this protocol transitioned to velocity-based training.
Seek First to Understand
There is one simple rule to follow to circumvent many of the issues that cause animosity between the sport coach and the strength coach.
Social Media in Strength and Conditioning
Life was meant to be lived, not read. Cars were meant to be driven, not parked. The harbor is safe, but a ship was meant to sail. Don’t let articles and books convince you that you understand it all.
The Power of the Parable: Thomas Edison
I don’t need my stash of parables any longer and will be releasing them one-by-one for anyone to take and use. This one is a story of 6,000 failures or 6,000 successes, depending on how you choose to look at it.
The Law of the Paint Can: Delegate and Say No
Our ambition may be endless but our abilities are finite. When we try to take on too much, something is soon to go wrong.
LISTEN: LEO Training Podcast — Bryan Mann on Stress and Social Support f...
Written training programs can account for physical stress, but it is the strength and conditioning coach’s responsibility to adjust for academic stress. This podcast includes the details of Dr. Mann’s research on the subject.
Why Do We Test the 40-Yard Dash at the Combine?
Last year we looked at the 225-bench test. This year I want to talk about what is considered by many to be the king event for evaluating athletic speed: the 40-yard dash.
225 Bench Press Repetitions Test — What Are We Really Testing?
The strength of the athlete determines what kind of preparation will produce the desired training effect: more reps. We need to stop and ask three questions.
Mental Illness and Coaching
At the college or high school level, you are likely to deal with many athletes who have a mental illness. Will you know how to help them?
The Power of the Parable
The parable is one of the oldest tools to teach. If it worked for Aesop and it worked for the ancient Greeks, it will work for your athletes.
Support Sport Science Through Crowd Funding
Through your support we can answer how muscle myonuclei control growth and recovery in fast vs. slow-twitch fibers. Back this project today.
The Only Thing You Can Control
There’s a very short list of things you can control and a very long list of things you can’t control. Choose to focus on the right one.
Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?
At the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is food, shelter, and safety. If your athlete doesn’t have one of these three things, how can you expect them to perform at their best?
Cus D’Amato — Past, Present and Future Thoughts
Evaluating the past is important for fixing things that you did wrong. Looking forward to the future is important for setting goals. But if you do these things at the wrong time, you’ll run into trouble.
WATCH: The CVASP Podcast — How to Use Vertical Jump Data
Jay DeMayo invites Dr. Mann to discuss power and how strength coaches everywhere can better use information collected through athlete testing.
Impact — Do You Understand Yours?
I will always push the envelope on the implementation of science into strength training, but there’s something even more important to remember about our jobs as coaches.
The Dying Art of Strength and Conditioning
Between art and science, the pendulum has swung massively to one side.
The CVASP Podcast: Episode 15 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Bryan cuts to the chase and shares the latest topics that are making his skin crawl.
Reaching the Outlier — Tips for Interacting with Difficult Athletes
In coaching, it’s easy to lose hope in the student athletes that don’t seem engaged or interested in your help. It’s your job to find a way.
Logistics of Coaching — Working With What You Have
You can have an amazing battle plan but if you can’t support it with beans and bullets, it’s worthless.
PodBean Episode 91 with Bryan Mann
"If there was one way to do it, everyone would be doing the same program, but everyone is looking at it from their perspective."
How To Get Your Athletes to Buy In
There’s a simple system to getting your athletes on board with your program’s principles and goals. It starts with an acronym — FORM.
The CVASP Podcast: Episode #15 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Honest and open sharing for strength and conditioning coaches brought to you by Central Virginia Sport Performance. Listen!
Meditation for the Coach: Starting the Recovery Process
If you spend all your time in high gear, you need to find a way to downshift. This technique is what works for me.