Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
We get that training is a top priority for most of our readers, but we also understand that life is messy and complicated. School and/or work can get in the way of training. It’s not realistic for training to come first all the time, which is why this realistic program was made.
WATCH: The Strength Coach Development Center — Bench Progression
WATCH: The Strength Coach Development Center — Bench Progression
This four-step progression is used to help young athletes develop the proper form, stability, and strength required to use a barbell.
Dumbbell Bench Press - 2 half reps + a full rep w/ rotation
Dumbbell Bench Press - 2 half reps + a full rep w/ rotation
Mountain Dog Style Dumbbell Bench Press with 2 half reps followed by a full rep with rotaion

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