12 Items for the New Garage Gym Owner
12 Items for the New Garage Gym Owner

Tired of the commercial gym? Maybe it’s time to start up your own gym in the garage. Not sure where to start? Look no further than this 12-item list.

Bare Bones Home Gym: More Than A Bar, Bench and Rack
Bare Bones Home Gym: More Than A Bar, Bench and Rack

With my Bare Bones program, you can see that great progress can be made with minimal equipment, but there are some tools that make things easier. If I built a home gym all over again, these are the first things I would buy.

Three-Way Matrix Upper Body Hypertrophy Emphasis
Three-Way Matrix Upper Body Hypertrophy Emphasis

If you want to upgrade to a 2XL t-shirt, this program can get that done.

4 Item(s)