Learn to Train X — Box Squat Technique Fix for Athletes
Learn to Train X — Box Squat Technique Fix for Athletes
In this presentation, Harvey goes back to the often-neglected and rarely taught basics. His first “simple technique”, is a detailed breakdown of how to box squat correctly.
WATCH:  Breaking John Rusin — The Program
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Program
In this video clip, Tate and Rusin compile these learnings to develop a comprehensive training program. Together, they discuss how to adjust the workouts to best suit Rusin’s development of the “big three” lifts, planning around his traveling schedule as needed.
The Misunderstanding of Sport-Specific Training
The Misunderstanding of Sport-Specific Training
Running around and practicing soccer skills while wearing a weighted vest, attaching a band to a hockey stick or a baseball bat, and a myriad of other ridiculous activities in the weight room do not count as sport-specific activities.
Stupid Training Tools: Agility Ladders
Stupid Training Tools: Agility Ladders
Sidestep your way to mediocracy.
Block Periodization for Powerlifting: Revisited and Revised
Block Periodization for Powerlifting: Revisited and Revised
It’s been two years since his first article on block periodization was published. What has Gabriel Naspinski changed?

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