What Makes Athletes Great
What Makes Athletes Great
The ease and comfort of your couch and air-conditioned home will always be calling your name. Ignore the temptation for an easy life.
Motivation vs. Discipline
Motivation vs. Discipline
Whenever I ask for topics people want to learn about in my column, “how to stay motivated” is always at the top of the list. Motivation is in high demand: you see it all over Instagram in memes, pictures, and captions. Despite the high demand, it sure seems like it’s in short supply….
Why Do You Lift — The Game
Why Do You Lift — The Game
Is winning all that matters or is participation the purpose of competition? This is the final article in this series.
Why Do You Lift — Defining Passion
Why Do You Lift — Defining Passion
We need to discuss passion and our affective response to any autotelic activity: it is important to understand that humans engage in things for internal forces other than survival.
Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion
Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion
For the next three or four articles, this is our topic: motivation. This first part will explore the construction of meaning, identity, and the origins of motivation.
Coaching: Sometimes It's All in the Delivery
Coaching: Sometimes It's All in the Delivery
Learning to connect with and effectively motivate your athletes can go a long way. Choose your words wisely.
Motivation for Youth Athletes Through Friendly Competition
Motivation for Youth Athletes Through Friendly Competition
Worked well for Cain, not so well for Abel.

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