Swede Burns


Swede Burns, the creator of the 5thSet methodology and owner of Keyhole Barbell, is a lifter and coach with over 20 years of competitive experience. He was voted Powerlifting Coach of the Year in 2016. Swede is perhaps best known for his "total" as a coach: a proven track record, empathy, compassion, strategy, and ability to execute against it all consistently.

Swede Crushers for Strong Lats, Big Triceps and a Monster Bench
Swede Crushers for Strong Lats, Big Triceps and a Monster Bench
Elitefts Coach & Columnist Swede Burns demonstrates and coaches "Swede Crushers", which Swede refers to as a hybrid between rolling tricep extensions and the JM press. The purpose is to build both the triceps and the lats. Swede coaches Tragen Moore on how to do Swede Crushers to increase his bench press.  
Swede Burns Discusses Training To Failure For Maximal Strength Gains
Swede Burns Discusses Training To Failure For Maximal Strength Gains
  Elitefts Coach & Columnist Swede Burns explains his thoughts on training to failure in powerlifting.
Swede Burns Attempt Selection For Powerlifting Or Max Attempts
Swede Burns Attempt Selection For Powerlifting Or Max Attempts
"Like I mentioned before, this system was designed to be used with maxes taken during a peaking cycle. Preferably those maxes would have been taken on their own days, around a month or so out from the meet, after months of training. That’s how we peak with 5thSet. Of course, there is plenty of specific […]
Goal Structure
Goal Structure
When it comes to my training, I don’t just show up and happen to be able to perform. No one does that. I prepare for each mile marker target ahead of time. I eat enough. I sleep enough. I hydrate. The night before, the morning of; I run my mental game.
More recently, as a result of various social media platforms, some things seem to have gained popularity because one or two highly esteemed lifters or coaches with powerful spheres of influence begin to do them.
Optimizing My Travel Training Efficiency
Optimizing My Travel Training Efficiency
With this training-while-traveling program, keep in mind I’ve been in 6 cities in 5 different states in the last 5 weekends and on the road for 20 of the last 35 days. My needs and resources in terms of time, help, equipment, recovery, and a host of other factors may vary from yours.
Try to keep an open mind when trying a new, proactive approach to anything, even if it doesn’t quite feel right at first — whether it be your job, social media, or a new program. Just because it doesn’t feel good right away doesn’t mean it won’t later on.
Motivation vs. Discipline
Motivation vs. Discipline
Whenever I ask for topics people want to learn about in my column, “how to stay motivated” is always at the top of the list. Motivation is in high demand: you see it all over Instagram in memes, pictures, and captions. Despite the high demand, it sure seems like it’s in short supply….
Top Three: A Hierarchy for Sustainable Success
Top Three: A Hierarchy for Sustainable Success
For some, training is just a hobby; but for others, training is much more than that. It’s what keeps me going, and it’s very close to the top of my list of priorities. But sometimes, we need to remember those other priorities, too. Here’s a reminder of what they are.
Meet Report: 5thSet at the Kern US Open
Meet Report: 5thSet at the Kern US Open
Now that I had the trip paid for thanks to a seminar event, I could focus on helping my lifters at the US Kern Open: the reason I’d flown all the way from the East Coast to begin with.
Training and Competition
Training and Competition
It is crucial to delineate these training and competition as separate but mutually impactful things. I’d wager that the majority of lifters who had a bad meet were doing a whole bunch of competition in training, leading up to the actual competition.
Returning From Injury After a Layoff
Returning From Injury After a Layoff
Coming back after a layoff can be a chance to address imbalances, but it also presents the opportunity for new imbalances to develop. Common sense suggests that testing strength after a layoff isn’t the best idea. But if you are going to do it, keep these things in mind.
Powerlifting Meet Manual (with Formula for Selecting Attempts)
Powerlifting Meet Manual (with Formula for Selecting Attempts)
For those of you who’ve never done a meet, save this, and read it again before your first. And for those of you who just can’t finesse attempt selection, here’s a formula I developed to make attempt selection as close to fool-proof as it’ll get.
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and learn from your failures and mistakes. Be willing to learn, and maybe more importantly, be willing to be wrong. Now go and pass that along.
The Death of Powerlifting
The Death of Powerlifting
What’s wrong with powerlifting? Not online coaching. Not Crossfitters doing meets. Not other lifters secretly being deep cover Nazi operatives. Not anything about other lifters, or coaches, at all. All that’s really wrong, from my perspective, is this…
CBD for Lifters — My Experience
CBD for Lifters — My Experience
I’m almost scared to type this, but both my hip and spine are functioning at…
CBD for Lifters — Why, When, and How
CBD for Lifters — Why, When, and How
In this installment, I will talk a little bit about what I learned from my tour of the Extract Labs facility, from my research of the available scientific data and my thoughts on “why,” “when” and “how” for Cannabidiol, as I understand it.
CBD for Lifters
CBD for Lifters
Committed to doing a few full-power meets before I retire in 2020, I’m searching for some alternative means to deal with the pain related to inflammation. Enter Cannabidiol (CBD).
How Not to Suck as a Training Partner
How Not to Suck as a Training Partner
Having the right crew or partner to rely on, and to train with, can make or break a lifter. It’s one of the most sought-after and difficult-to-find things for competitors and hobby lifters alike.
A Manual for Implementing Technical Cues
A Manual for Implementing Technical Cues
Everyone can benefit from technical cues, with the contingency that they are employed properly, consistently, and under the correct circumstances — which is more rare than you might expect.
A Day in the Life of Swede Burns
A Day in the Life of Swede Burns
When Kendall Alston and his crew approached me with the idea of filming a documentary about what a normal day in my life looks like—and not simply my lifting or my coaching—it hit my like a breath of fresh air. This video is the result.
The 5thSet Black Meet and Women's Pro Am Weekend: Back-to-Back Wins
The 5thSet Black Meet and Women's Pro Am Weekend: Back-to-Back Wins
After the inaugural 5th Set Black Meet on Saturday, I drove all night to Cincinnati for the Women’s Pro Am. My motivation for a weekend short on rest and long on PRs can be summed up in a single sentence: I love powerlifting.
Training Terminology
Training Terminology
Trying to understand programming without knowing the terminology is similar to navigating a country without knowing the language: you can do it, but it won’t be easy.
5thSet Trial and Error — The Failed Experiments
5thSet Trial and Error — The Failed Experiments
Are you thinking about adding a second AMRAP to the program? What about extending the Very High Rep Protocol to squats and deadlifts? If you’re thinking of it, I’ve probably already thought of it.
Lunatic Training
Lunatic Training
It’s story time. So travel with me, if you will, dear reader, back to turn of the century— in the winter of the year two thousand, and meet a very different Swede than the man writing this today.
New Year, New Bench
New Year, New Bench
There is no reason in the world you can’t give up sucking at bench press. No one gets joy from incompetence in the greatest lift ever. No one. That’s something I can help you with.
I realize powerlifters are all lions, beasts, and savages, but let’s not lose sight of the big picture.
Sequencing Assistance Work
Sequencing Assistance Work
How and when should you perform assistance exercises? What protocols are used for assistance work? Should exercises be changed or rotated? What about bands, chains, and specialty bars?
An Argument for Specificity
An Argument for Specificity
Staying in my own lane and keeping a laser focus on pursuing excellence in the sport of powerlifting is what has allowed me to rise to the top of my field as a coach; specializing, not generalizing.
My Position on Sex
My Position on Sex
I posted on Facebook last week asking for input on what topics I should write about for my column. The clear champion was the issue of sex within close proximity to competition and how it should be handled. Let’s start at the beginning.
Hunger Is Not Enough: Attempt Selection
Hunger Is Not Enough: Attempt Selection
You want that total. You have your heart set on it.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Bodybuilding and Powerlifting Carryover
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Bodybuilding and Pow...
Despite many similarities and differences between bodybuilding and powerlifting, there’s one key aspect of bodybuilding that powerlifters need most.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Why an Advanced Powerlifter Needs a Coach
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Why an Advanced Powe...
Even the strongest lifters in the world can’t figure everything out themselves.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Keeping Good Form Through Every Rep
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Keeping Good Form Th...
Learning proper lifting technique may be a challenge, but being able to recreate it rep after rep is even more difficult.
Keep Me Accountable
Keep Me Accountable
Use these tools to hold yourself accountable. My hope is that you can use these ideas to take the helm of your own affairs in training, business, and your personal life.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Sequencing Assistance Work
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Sequencing Assistanc...
Would it be wise to follow the same percentage for a given workout for both the main lift and the assistance work? Or should the assistance work be planned differently?
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — PLing Difficulty, Deadlift Leverages, and Accessory Volume
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — PLing Difficulty, De...
Have you ever wondered what makes powerlifting so hard? Look no further — these guys have the answer.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Trusting the Process
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Trusting the Process
A lot of lifters think you have to train over 90% week after week to get stronger. Adjusting to a program like 5thSet may challenge you mentally to trust the process, but it won’t be long before you experience the benefits.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — The Growth of 5thSet and Training Elite Lifters
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — The Growth of 5thSet...
What has changed about 5thSet over the course of its rise to popularity? And what is it like being an elite lifter that hands his training over to someone else?
Training in commercial gyms has its pros and cons. This is a call to arms for those who need to hear it.
Coach of the Year
Coach of the Year
This weekend would be more of that testing, coaching twenty-one lifters over the course of a single day. People say I am crazy for working with the number of lifters I do.
Excuses Don't Count Towards Your Total
Excuses Don't Count Towards Your Total
At least, not at this point. As it stands, we are left with adding up our heaviest successful attempt for each of the three lifts and the sum of those is how a powerlifting total is born.
16 Week 5thSet/Conjugate Mash Up
16 Week 5thSet/Conjugate Mash Up
Rather than explain, in great detail, when and how I think it would make sense for you to do this, I’m simply going to recount how I did it while coming back from a pec injury.
A Little Knowledge is Dangerous
A Little Knowledge is Dangerous
Wait, what?
A (Battle) Cry for Help
A (Battle) Cry for Help
Is it a bad decision to stop performing lifts that cause an axial load on the spine when the back is injured?
Fear Exposed
Fear Exposed
Aside from the warning signs of a shit coach, there’s a moral to this story.
Let Go
Let Go
Or be dragged.
How to Wrap and Why — A Guide to Wrist and Knee Wraps
How to Wrap and Why — A Guide to Wrist and Knee Wraps
If you show up on day one of your wrapped training and start off in the strongest wraps on the market, things are probably not going to go as well as they could.
Just Breathe
Just Breathe
Every lifter should learn to “fill low” and generate pressure in the proper area of their lower abdomen.
Embracing the Bracing
Embracing the Bracing
Day 1: Constant, crippling pain. Day 10: Pain free. This is the new game plan for lower back nerve pain.
Metabolic Stress Based Hypertrophy Training
Metabolic Stress Based Hypertrophy Training
This protocol seems to be at least as effective (if not more effective) than training in traditional rep ranges, while at the same time remaining far less expensive in terms of recoverability.
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
The whole point of the US Open was to show Tarra and instill some confidence in what I already knew: that she would still be able to perform well at a lighter bodyweight.
Are You Willing to Be Wrong?
Are You Willing to Be Wrong?
I was unwilling, to my core, to be corrected. I would rather get hurt than admit I was wrong. And I did, many times. Once that character defect changed, so did everything else.
The Obstacles You'll Face Becoming A Great Powerlifter
The Obstacles You'll Face Becoming A Great Powerlifter
You can be the best in the world or a complete beginner — you’re going to deal with many of the same challenges either way.
Beyond the Barbell
Beyond the Barbell
For most powerlifters, exercise begins and ends with the barbell. What if I told you there were ways to get better without it?
An Unconventional Motive for Muscularity
An Unconventional Motive for Muscularity
There are a whole shitload of really good reasons you should get as jacked as you possibly can.
Raw Unity Meet 9: Coaching, 5thSet, World Record Controversy
Raw Unity Meet 9: Coaching, 5thSet, World Record Controversy
Another year of RUM, another weekend of 5thSet lifters kicking ass on the platform. Thank God no one I work with broke a world record, right?
Training Solo vs With A Team (or Partner)
Training Solo vs With A Team (or Partner)
There are benefits to having a crew and there are benefits to relying on only yourself. Which are most important for you?
Fixing Your 'Fail at the Chest' Bench Press
Fixing Your 'Fail at the Chest' Bench Press
For correcting weaknesses in a given portion of a lift, you need to use what I call Mechanically Similar Movements.

Items 1 to 59 of 80 total
