When Should I Put on My Gear?
When Should I Put on My Gear?
Uncover strategies for maximizing your training sessions while minimizing unnecessary fatigue.
Conjugate Method for Tactical Strength and Conditioning
Conjugate Method for Tactical Strength and Conditioning
The conjugate method runs like a well-oiled machine for the tactile athlete who needs to fulfill a wide-range of on-the-job tasks.
Specialty Bars for Collegiate Baseball and Softball Athletes
Specialty Bars for Collegiate Baseball and Softball Athletes
These sports require a high degree of mobility and stability through the shoulder, place a great deal of stress on the shoulder and elbow, and require an effective and efficient synchronization of the upper and lower limbs—the perfect storm for a specialty bar to keep you safe and sound.
ConjugateU for College Baseball — A Powerful Combination
ConjugateU for College Baseball — A Powerful Combination
Jim Seratt doesn’t understand how anyone wouldn’t want baseball players to bench press. Here is his method for implementing conjugate training in his baseball program.
Conjugate for Throwers—Putting Your Athletes on the Right Trajectory
Conjugate for Throwers—Putting Your Athletes on the Right Trajectory
Conjugate training can make a huge difference in track and field athletes’ overall performance. For throwers in particular, give this conjugate workout a try and see the improvement for yourself.
Conjugate U for Collegiate Tennis
Conjugate U for Collegiate Tennis
After reading Conjugate U, I moved forward with implementing the Conjugate Method with my women’s tennis team. Here’s what we accomplished this past season.

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