Stop Neglecting Your Posterior Chain
Stop Neglecting Your Posterior Chain

It’s interesting seeing a quad-dominant athlete squat 400 pounds but struggle to squat off a box with 135.

Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back

It took me 26 years to develop lower back issues. But over the last 10 years, I’ve learned ways to work around them since becoming a slob is not an option. If you’re looking for ways to train legs without getting hurt (again), this article is for you.

Ten Time-Proven, Big-Three Technique Tweaks for Happy Joints
Ten Time-Proven, Big-Three Technique Tweaks for Happy Joints

Are you getting beat up from squatting, benching, and deadlifting? Here’s a handful of tips to help cure what ails you.

The Road to Recovery
The Road to Recovery

My injuries have taken me from meet platform to operating table and back again.

Adding Up to Lower Back Pain
Adding Up to Lower Back Pain

Pain is merely your body’s interpretation that something may be wrong. It doesn’t mean that your days of heavy lifting are over.

Iron Insights: NUCCA to the Rescue
Iron Insights: NUCCA to the Rescue

Sheena Leedham discovered a chiropractic gem.

 Correcting Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Part 1
Correcting Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Part 1

The sacroiliac joints (SI) are a common source of lower back problems for a wide range of people including housewives, professional athletes, and elite lifters. The SI joints don’t discriminate.

When Surgery Is Not an Option
When Surgery Is Not an Option

To all my fellow lower back pain sufferers who have subjected themselves to needless surgeries, cortisone shots, and therapies that flat out don’t work, here is my story.

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